Friday, February 22, 2008

A Glut of Bananas

Bananas, anyone ?!

The bananas have ripened ! As you can see by the photo, I have more than I know what to do with – it’s not as if I can make banana jam or freeze them now, can I ?!

We had around 4 bunches this size. I kept one for our family, and gave the rest to our house staff to share amongst themselves.

I once asked a Tanzanian mother what her ultimate treat was to give her children to eat, and she replied “bananas”. So, our staff are very happy as their children (our one gardener has 6) will be given “a treat” this weekend.

That’s something to think about, in our material, money obsessed world … where children are spoilt with the latest TV shows, clothes, toys, gadgets, sweets – yet always want more …. that there are children in parts of the world, who’s entire weekend will be filled with the simple joy of …. bananas !

These are what we call “finger bananas” – they are tiny and absolutely delicious – very sweet with a slight lemony tang to them. (My toddler wants to know where the Daddy and Mummy bananas are and why there are only baby bananas all on their own ?!)

Seeing as there is a limit to the number of bananas that our family can actually eat (before they start getting too ripe) … expect to see some banana related recipes appearing
here soon ……..