A collection of traditional Maasai beaded and bone items which I purchased at the Ngorongoro Crater recently - read on to find out more about them !
I know that there are many of you who read this blog & follow it almost daily because you’ve either lived in or visited Africa before (& fallen in love with the Continent !), or because you plan to visit it sometime in the future, or because you know you cannot visit it, but would love to – so ‘visit’ it through the blog instead.
I must say that for whatever reason you read the blog, I always love having you all along with me and showing you parts of this beautiful Continent, and Tanzania in particular – over the (almost) 2 years I’ve been blogging, I have started looking at Africa through different eyes, thinking “Now, what would my blog readers like to hear about ?” and taking photos of, and writing about things, which I would have perhaps otherwise just have taken for granted.
So, when I was on my recent safari to the Ngorongoro Crater (you can read the first of the 3 blog posts I wrote about it over here), I wished that there was a way I could bring a ‘tangible’ piece of it back to share with at least one of you – who may never make it here yourself.
So - on the last morning of our safari, I bought some typical, traditional Maasai items at the Ngorongoro Crater, made by the people there. These are pictured above, and I am going to give them away to one of you, and will post them to you wherever in the world you happen to live !
Before reading on to find out how you could perhaps become the lucky recipient of these items, let me tell you what they are -:
- 2 traditional handmade Maasai beaded bracelets
- 1 leather beaded key ring/holder
- 1 leather beaded watch strap decoration (thread your existing watch strap through it) - or you could use this as a bookmark instead !
- 8 bone buttons – 4 Zebra, 4 Elephant. These are handcrafted from cow bone & have hand painted details on them
I tried to include items for both a man & a woman, as I don’t know who will get these. The bone buttons are included because I know that several readers are very ‘crafty’ people and make a lot of their own things, sew etc & these are quite unique.
If you’d like to read a previous post I wrote about the Maasai people and their beautiful beadwork, you can do so here.
If you’d like to stand a chance to ‘win’ these items, all you have to do, is to leave a comment at the end of this post and in it, tell me -:
1.) The title of your favourite blog post which appeared on ‘Food, Fun & Farm Life !’ during the past year/2009 (this is to prevent spammers or people just passing briefly through the blog !)
2.) Your name - or initials/nickname if you wish to remain anonymous
I’ll close the comments for this post at 11.00 am Tanzanian time on Monday 18th January, and will then draw a winner who will be announced on the blog on Tuesday 19th January at 11.00 am Tanzanian time. (I will print all comments out, cut them up & get my daughter to draw one for me - with photographic proof !)
I’ll then ask that winner to contact me via email with his/her address details (Don’t leave your email or contact details in the comments section as I would hate you to be hit by a spammer - I’ve had a few trying their luck on the blog lately !) and will pop the items in the post to that person within the next week or so - whenever I am next in the city.
I guess all that's left for me to say now, it - 'Good Luck' everyone !