A herdsman, hurrying, calling softly to his cattle as he cracks a stick, urging them anxiously across the road.
Showing posts with label Farm Walks; Drives and Scenery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Farm Walks; Drives and Scenery. Show all posts
Saturday, September 4, 2010
The Road Home .......
A herdsman, hurrying, calling softly to his cattle as he cracks a stick, urging them anxiously across the road.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Some Recent Farm Scenes For You To Enjoy ....
Our wheat is starting to dry off now as we prepare for harvest .... but here is a photo taken a month or so ago (above) so that you can see how lush and green everything looked !
A small family of goats walking along a dry, dusty road on the bottom portion of the farm .... they were very friendly and 'talked' back to me as I chatted to them .... and didn't seem to object to having their photo taken !
Sunset from our veranda last week .... I love this time of year .... cold, dry and with so much dust in the air that it makes for magnificent sunsets each and every night.
Mostly pictures today, and no words ..... having a busy day but instead of not posting anything, just thought that I'd share a few recent farm scenes with you .....
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Flooded Roads On The Way To School ....
Approaching part of the 'river' above, and driving through it ... below ....
I've had a few people ask me for some posts and photo's on our surrounding area and villages, so I'll be taking you on a few road trips with me over the next couple of weeks .... to see some typical Tanzanian roadside scenes, a trip to one of our cities and a famous landmark - and even on an early morning school run with me ... I hope that you'll enjoy these trips, and getting off the farm with me for a while !
(Incase you were wondering - the red plastic Coca Cola crates stacked on top of one another in the right of the last photo are placed outside a local bar/restaurant to indicate to the passing soda delivery truck that they need stock today - or tomorrow - whenever he may pass. No telephoning ahead to place your weekly order here !)
(Incase you were wondering - the red plastic Coca Cola crates stacked on top of one another in the right of the last photo are placed outside a local bar/restaurant to indicate to the passing soda delivery truck that they need stock today - or tomorrow - whenever he may pass. No telephoning ahead to place your weekly order here !)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Repairing Our Rain Damaged Farm Roads !
Friday, April 16, 2010
Crisp Blue Skies & A Snow Capped Peak ....
We're having so much rain on the farm at the moment, and there seems no end in sight ! We have a few hours - or a day or two - of sunshine, before it comes bucketing down again. Roads turn to slush, dogs are shooed out as their muddy paw prints cover the floors, cat's stay curled up inside all day in warm spots, washing remains damp and kids are housebound (and, after a while even previously 'fun' things like painting and various crafts are deemed 'b-o-r-i-n-g !') But, as a farmer's wife .... I'll try not to complain !
However, with all this rain comes a certain feeling of 'newness' as Africa's dust is washed clean, shoots of new grass and tiny wildflowers appear at our feet almost overnight, the African earth turns a deeper red, the sky a crisper blue and Kilimanjaro's snow capped peak, a more brilliant white.
You can almost breathe the newness in, feel it all around you and although it's hard to capture in a photograph, I took one to share with you all (click on the photo above to enlarge it) ... to try and give you an idea of what I mean.
You can almost breathe the newness in, feel it all around you and although it's hard to capture in a photograph, I took one to share with you all (click on the photo above to enlarge it) ... to try and give you an idea of what I mean.
This photo was taken last week, just before you turn in to the road which takes you past the farm guest house & straight to our house - the building to the right of the photo is part of our farm labourer's quarters, the dark green triangular hilly part which you see just meeting the skyline is part of the Kilimanjaro forest and, of course, that great white icy chunk looming up ahead is the snowy top of Mt Kilimanjaro herself - in all her glory !
Friday, April 2, 2010
The Rain Came Down ................
But we finally made it to the house .... to be met by Justin (seen below helping to offload the car), full of smiles and happy to have a chance to wear his gumboots (which are a bit of a status symbol on the farm - click here to read more).
My daughter is concerned that the Easter bunny may not make it up our muddy farm roads - but I've assured her that she has nothing to worry about .....!
Hope that you're having a good 'Good Friday' and looking forward to the long Easter weekend ahead as much as I am ....
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Camping At The Farm Guest House .....
We recently hosted one of the local schools out to our farm for a 2 night field trip. There were around 65 kids in total, plus around 10 teachers who accompanied them. The children were aged around 10 years, and came from schools in 2 different Tanzanian towns.
They all camped up at our farm guest house (you can read a post I wrote about our guest house, and see more photo's of it over here). The children slept in small 2-4 man tents in the garden - as did some of the teachers, and I think that a few of the teachers slept in the guest house (I don't blame them !)
The school came with their own kitchen tent which was pitched at the back of the guest house (which has it's own fenced garden) and a team of cooks - all 3 meals a day were prepared 'bush style' on open fires for the kids and served in a 'dining' tent. They even had special 'toilet' tents set up at the back of the garden ('long drop' style but not quite as primitive as the toilets I showed you over here last year !)
The kids had a great time on the farm, splitting in to smaller study groups and taking part in various activities/going on outings on both our farm and in the surrounding areas. Hubby got to take a small group around and discuss 'Commercial Farming' with them, followed by a picnic afterwards and our daughter got to join in on all of this (aswell as many of their 'free time' activites), which she of course loved !
This group of pupils, in a few years time when they are a little older, will eventually have a school field trip which involves climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro and the teachers were telling me that small field trips like the one they held at our farm - which involve things like pitching their own tents, using bush kitchen and toilet facilities and sleeping out under the stars - are an introduction to what they will experience when they climb Kilimanjaro one day.
Interestingly, the youngest person to ever (illegally) summit Mt. Kilimanjaro was a boy aged 7. The minimum youngest age to (legally) climb the mountain is 10 (and this record is currently held by someone, too) and the oldest person to ever summit was a 79 year old man.
Crazy ! Crazy ! The whole lot of them.
And .... did you hear about the lady who holds the world record for gazing at Kilimanjaro from her back garden every day for the past 5 years and repeating to friends/family 'I will never climb that mountain, so don't even ask !' She has a blog and did have everyone - momentarily - fooled though, when she wrote this post last year.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Snows Of Kilimanjaro ....
I took these two photo’s of Mt Kilimanjaro (or ‘Kili’ as she is affectionately known) a few weeks ago. The second one shows exactly where our farm is located – all 3500 acres of it completely dwarfed by Kili’s towering 5891 m (19344 feet) height.
At different times of the year … month …. day …. even the hour, she can look totally different, and she’s not always easy to photograph. In these photos I think that her snow looks like white icing sugar (frosting) dripping off a (still warm-from-the-oven) chocolate cake … mmmm !
Some say that her ice cap will, in all likelihood, have completely disappeared within the next 20 years. It is hard to imagine this, and I really hope that they are wrong – for what would this magnificent extinct volcano be, without her ever changing blanket of snow ?
Friday, December 18, 2009
Wet, Muddy Farm Roads ! (And Lush Green Scenery)
The entrance to our farm - below - welcome ! See that patch of water on the road there ?
Well, this is it - below ! Put the car into four wheel drive mode (and windows UP !) and .... we're off ......
Ugh ..... another tricky bit of wet road to negotiate (below) .........
As you can see in the photo below, we even have our own small stream that was never there before !
Getting closer to the farm house now ..... the road here is much firmer .......
View of the farm fields along side the road pictured above .... this is where our Coriander crop was planted earlier this year - which you can read about here.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Our Farm Guest House .....
A fellow farming couple, who also live in the Kilimanjaro area (though not very close to our farm) run these horseback safari's. They are also our vets, and have helped me a lot with stray/neglected animals on our farm over the years. The photo below shows some of their horses grazing in the fenced garden of the guest house.

The veranda is very sheltered and the views from it look out over Mt Meru and this is where I have another dining table set up - as it's the perfect place for guests to eat ! It's so sheltered infact, that we've had friends over to stay who's children have opted to spend the night in sleeping bags out on the veranda !
The photo below shows the views from the guest house garden .... the base of Mt Meru is barely visible in all that fluffy cloud .......
Just thought I'd let you know ..... incase you were planning on visiting us anytime soon ;)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Come For A Drive Out To The Farm With Me .... ?
Ahhhhh .... what have we here ? Oh look - it's someone carrying grass & stuff home to feed their livestock. I know, I know - he's a bit overloaded AND there's a guy sitting on top of the load aswell. Do you think he's enjoying the view ? Shall we wave to him as we overtake them ? Yes, let's !
Okay, we've turned off the main tar road now and are heading straight through one of the larger villages you pass through just before the farm .... oh, those places along the roadside ? Shops. You can buy anything there from fabric, to coal irons, to plastic buckets, to sugar, to .... oh, perhaps even maybe a live goat ! Or a chicken - depending on what you feel like for supper tonight ?
Hey - look ! Another 3 giraffe up there on top of that ridge ! I tell you something .... that's just where the sun sets. Imagine if we could get a photo of THAT ?

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