I took these two photo’s of Mt Kilimanjaro (or ‘Kili’ as she is affectionately known) a few weeks ago. The second one shows exactly where our farm is located – all 3500 acres of it completely dwarfed by Kili’s towering 5891 m (19344 feet) height.
At different times of the year … month …. day …. even the hour, she can look totally different, and she’s not always easy to photograph. In these photos I think that her snow looks like white icing sugar (frosting) dripping off a (still warm-from-the-oven) chocolate cake … mmmm !
Some say that her ice cap will, in all likelihood, have completely disappeared within the next 20 years. It is hard to imagine this, and I really hope that they are wrong – for what would this magnificent extinct volcano be, without her ever changing blanket of snow ?