Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Some Recent Farm Scenes For You To Enjoy ....

Our wheat is starting to dry off now as we prepare for harvest .... but here is a photo taken a month or so ago (above) so that you can see how lush and green everything looked !

A small family of goats walking along a dry, dusty road on the bottom portion of the farm .... they were very friendly and 'talked' back to me as I chatted to them .... and didn't seem to object to having their photo taken !

Sunset from our veranda last week .... I love this time of year .... cold, dry and with so much dust in the air that it makes for magnificent sunsets each and every night.

Mostly pictures today, and no words ..... having a busy day but instead of not posting anything, just thought that I'd share a few recent farm scenes with you .....