Monday, April 14, 2008

There's A Tiger In The House ...

Is it a tiger ? A leopard ? No - it's Tammy !

Well, not really. Everyone knows that there are no tigers in Africa, but we have our own little tigress who we call Tammy. Isn’t she beautiful ?

Tammy was one of Jessica’s kittens. (Jessica was the cat I lost tragically a little over a year ago.) On our way to the vet to have Jessica and Ollie spayed a few years ago, Jessica managed to escape from her travel box and out of the window on to the farm. She was gone for a week and I was beside myself, until one night she returned … pregnant - although we didn’t know it at the time. She gave birth to 4 beautiful kittens while I sat with her - I only managed to find a good home for one, (many homes were offered, but there is a difference between a home and a good home) so we kept the other 3 … they were Tammy, Isabella (who was born deaf) and Sir Huxtable Hiss.

Isabella and Sir Hux died last year .... more tragic deaths of beloved animals which I also find hard to write about. Now, only Tammy is left and she is so much like her mother, it is quite uncanny.

Tammy is an extremely vocal and quite neurotic cat and would love to be the only cat in the house. She fights with all the other cats and spends her days up a tall gum tree in our garden, only coming down at night. Of course this is a great source of amusement to the garden staff, who pretend not to see/hear me when I stand talking and cooing to the tree during the day.

The first time I did it, they apparently asked Justin “Why is Mama talking to that tree ?” and Justin had to explain that Mama was not talking to the tree but was, in fact, talking to the cat in the tree. Which they thought was just as odd as talking to a tree. (The local people don’t care much for cats here, and see them as vermin).

I think they’ve got used to it now … which is great as I have also been known to talk to trees. So now I can just get on with it and no one bats an eyelid. Thanks to Tammy Tiger … my little decoy !