Friday, November 28, 2008

A Summer's Walk Through My Garden ....

It's Summer time here in Tanzania - long, hot, Summer days .... crickets chirping in the grass & butterflies flitting from flower to flower as small sunbirds land on taller ones closer to the veranda. The agapanthus are in full bloom (above) .... there are hardly any white agapanthus this year - all are a gorgeous deep lilac colour ... a whole sea of them, gently bobbing and weaving in the cool Summer breeze ....

A row of icy white Amaryllis - with deep cerise veins running through their petals - form a row at the bottom of the garden, standing out against the deep green colour of the hedge behind them ....

And all our Jacaranda tree's are in bloom ! Their small, velvety lilac flowers drop daily, forming a thick, soft purple carpet on the lawn. I warn my daugther to put her shoes on when she goes outside, as many bees hide - silently - in the fallen flowers. A family of bush babies live in this tree - they are very active at night and just recently I have woken in the early hours of the morning to the soft "Twoo Twoo" of an owl in this tree, too.

It's a lovely time of the year - especially since Christmas is just around the corner. Just think - in one month's time it will be Christmas Eve. Where has this year gone to ?