I love to make homemade sweets over the festive season – things like fudge, toffee and caramels. Wrapped in pretty coloured paper or a gift box, these sweets also make nice gifts for friends, teachers or hosts.
I had a large jar of treacle left over after making my Christmas cake (that recipe to follow shortly !), so decided to make Treacle Toffee with it. If you don’t have any treacle in the house, you can always substitute it with golden syrup/thick corn syrup. (Treacle is like Molasses).
I’ve never owned or used a sugar thermometer, but just follow the guidelines re. dropping the mixture in cold water to test it and this has always worked fine for me (instructions for this below).
Treacle Toffee (from “The Complete South African Cookbook” by Magdaleen Van Wyk)
110 gm Butter (or Margarine)
225 gm Sugar
225 gm Treacle (or Golden Syrup)
Melt the butter in a heavy bottomed saucepan over high heat. Stir in the sugar & treacle and then boil steadily (without stirring) until the mixture reaches the hard-crack stage when tested in water (The syrup separates into hard, brittle threads when a little is dropped into cold water. It usually takes me around 15 minutes of boiling to reach this stage). Pour the mixture into a well greased tin & allow to set. When set, cut into squares.