Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Food For Thought

Lone beetle on Hydrangea flower

"I am only one,

But still I am one.

I cannot do everything,

But still I can do something.

And because I cannot do everything,

I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."

Edward Everett Hale

I love this quote. I want to have it tattooed on to my forehead, written on my car, pulled through the sky on a huge banner behind an aeroplane for all the world to read. I want to teach it to all the children in the world, make them really understand it and want to live it – and then, maybe, this world we live in would slowly start to change.

I wish that the media would concentrate more on profound quotes like this, than on frivolous things like the latest celebrity diet/divorce/drug overdose.

I, for one, am sick of reading about celebrities dying of drug overdoses who are made out to be some sort of hero’s and become more famous in death than in life, because of it. What sort of message is this sending out to our youth, anyway ? These death’s are tragic, yes – but when you live on a continent where poverty, hunger and disease surround you every day … where people fight just to survive another day without death caused by famine, disease or war, where children go to bed hungry at night and some parents are forced to give them leaves to eat as they have nothing else ….. it just seems so …. so …. POINTLESS reading about some person dying because they chose to spend large amounts of money snorting foreign substances up their noses and injecting goodness knows what into their well fed bodies.

Anyway, back to the profound quote above - don’t ever think that because you are only one person, or because you don’t have a lot to give, that you can’t make a difference. If the whole world felt this way, nothing would ever be accomplished.

It only takes one small thing to make a difference in someone’s life. Just one small thing. It doesn’t have to be money, or even much time. You’ll know what it is when the time comes – you’ll just know what you need to do. Or maybe, you already do ?

So, next time you are faced with that ‘one small thing’ … don’t turn away. Help if you can. It may be something as simple as putting a few coins in a tin. It may be as simple as writing a note to tell someone you’re there for them if they need you. But it WILL make a difference. Trust me.

I don’t know why I felt compelled to blog about this today, I don’t want my blog to be all “preachy” but I just wanted to put my thoughts down and share this lovely quote with you. Thanks to my friend Jackie in Egypt for bringing this lovely quote (and the works of Edward Everett Hale) to my attention. I think that from now on, I’m going to make it one of my motto’s in life …..