Thursday, April 17, 2008

School Lunchbox Crunchies

A nice cuppa tea and a Crunchie, anyone ?

One of the schools I used to attend as a child, published an annual cook book which was sold to raise school funds. Parents were encouraged to submit their favourite recipes for inclusion in the book, and I have hung on to my copy all these years - although at this stage, it’s a bit tattered and battered and the cover is missing.

Here is a favourite recipe of mine which I have adapted over the years to make my own (I made these earlier this week to include in my daughter’s school lunch box) -:

School Lunchbox Crunchies

1 cup Flour
2 cups Oats
1 cup Rice Crispies
¾ cup Brown Sugar
2 tbsp Honey
225 gm Margarine
1 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
Salt – to taste

Melt the margarine, sugar and honey together until the sugar has dissolved. Then add the bicarb & beat until foamy. Add to the sifted dry ingredients. Press flat in a baking tray & bake at 180’C/350’F/Gas Mark 4 for 20 – 30 minutes.