When I was a child growing up in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) my Dad used to make these for us on a Sunday night. Television had only recently been introduced to the country then(mid to late ‘70’s ?) and there was a children’s religious programme on every Sunday evening which we used to watch whilst eating these pancakes.
Our “first course” used to be pancakes filled with a cheesy ham sauce (similar to a welsh rarebit sauce) which was followed by “pudding” of pancakes sprinkled with honey, lemon juice and caster sugar. They were a special “Sunday treat” which I will never forget !
Let’s face it, pancakes are a bit of a “fiddle” to make … what with all that flipping and only being able to make one at a time (or, I suppose you could have several pans ‘on the go’ at once) …. so they are not a regular teatime treat in our house, but just one I’ll make when the mood grabs me.
Our “first course” used to be pancakes filled with a cheesy ham sauce (similar to a welsh rarebit sauce) which was followed by “pudding” of pancakes sprinkled with honey, lemon juice and caster sugar. They were a special “Sunday treat” which I will never forget !
Let’s face it, pancakes are a bit of a “fiddle” to make … what with all that flipping and only being able to make one at a time (or, I suppose you could have several pans ‘on the go’ at once) …. so they are not a regular teatime treat in our house, but just one I’ll make when the mood grabs me.
1 cup Flour
¼ tsp Baking Powder
½ tsp Salt
1 Cup Milk
1 Egg, beaten
Sift the flour, baking powder & salt together. Add a little of the milk. Stir until the mixture is smooth & lump free. Slowly add the remaining milk. Then add the beaten egg & blend well. Pour the mixture in to a jug, and pour a little into a hot, oiled frying pan. Swirl the mixture around, until it covers the base of the pan. Once the pancake has started to cook through, flip it over and cook the other side until golden.
Serve sprinkled with brown sugar, cinnamon and freshly squeezed lemon (or lime) juice & roll up whilst still hot.