Monday, June 30, 2008

Quick & Easy Rice Krispie Treats

Quick & easy to make, these Rice Krispie treats were eaten faster than you could say "Snap ... Crackle ... Pop !"

I love spending time in the kitchen with my daughter. (Okay, not all the time, but most of the time as it can get quite messy and chaotic if she’s in there ‘helping’ me out too often, as any Mum can relate to, I’m sure !)

On Saturday afternoon we decided to make something quick, easy and fun and I found this old recipe of mine for Rice Krispie Treats. I cannot remember where I got this recipe from, as it was just hand written into one of my recipe books (I have several which contain hand written, typed and printed recipes along with recipes torn out of magazines or newspapers and not all of them have been stuck into the book/s yet !) I think that the recipe probably originated from the Kellog’s website (and to a time when I was printer cartridge-less and stuck on our old farm which was a good day’s drive to the closest shop selling them – hence the hand written recipe !)

Whenever I make this recipe with my daughter, she always seems quite dismayed once the marshmallows start to melt “But WHERE are they going, Mummy ?!” and once they have melted completely “Oh Mummy, WHERE have the marshmallows gone ? They’ve GONE – ALL GONE !”

We enjoyed these out on the veranda with a nice cuppa tea after they’d set (which doesn’t take long) … with several dogs begging at our feet …

Rice Krispie Treats

2 tbsp Butter
1 x 150 gm packet Marshmallows (I used a pink/white mix)
3 cups Rice Krispies

Lightly grease a baking tray. Melt the butter & add the marshmallows, stirring until melted & then add the Rice Krispies. Working quickly, transfer the mixture to the greased baking tray and quickly press into the tray & flatten with buttered hands (which makes the mixture much easier to handle !). Cut/mark into squares & leave in the fridge to set.