Saturday, August 16, 2008

Come For A Quick Walk With Me .....?

As you can see above, the dogs heard the word 'walk' so now we HAVE to go ! Come on Josie, Zonde, Mbwenya .... but where's Dibble ? Oh ... there he is ! Walking up ahead with my daughter - those two are inseparable !

Now, if we just walk up to the back garden & out the gate towards the workshops ... look to your left - there's "Kili" as she's affectionately known. Can you see the snow on top of her ? She's quite elusive you know, we hardly ever see her in the late afternoon - usually just early mornings. Okay, if you don't mind ... let me just stop & take a photo of her ..... oh my, look at all the workshop staff staring at us. They must be wondering who you are ! Let's *wave* at them .... "Jambo !" They think I'm a bit odd, according to Justin - he says they want to know why I take photo's of everything all the time, like some mgeni (guest) when this is my home- hah ! Did I tell you about the shop Justin's just opened up at the workshop ? His first ever business venture. No ? Oh okay, remind me to tell you about it soon ....

Okay, now the sun is going to go down soon and we have a great view of that from our veranda, so let's head on back to the house ("Why does Mama Lynda like to take so many pictures of the sun every day, too?"). Let me put the kettle on, so that we can have a cup of tea. Oh sorry, would you rather have a beer ? A gin & tonic ? Fine ! Oops, sorry dogs, not such a long walk tonight ..... we have company ! Right ... look at that ... the sun is sinking fast - isn't it beautiful ?

Ah - look at that magnificent sky - those colours ! Let's sit here for a while until it's completely dark .... we might be lucky and hear the bush babies who live in the ancient jacaranda tree beside the veranda ... we could even SEE one tonight, they've been quite active lately ! Oh and yes, can you hear the distant clink of cowbells ? Those are the Masaai, herding their livestock back to their boma's for safety as darkness approaches ... and that soft humming sound is the sound of the combine harvester's coming in off the fields for the night ... and the distant throbbing 'putt putt putt' of the tractor and trailer, loaded with farm staff all coming home for the night. If you listen carefully, you can hear their excited chatter !

That deep, smokey smell ? Oh that ! It's the wood fire in the donkey boiler, Simon's getting the fire going so that we can have hot water for baths in a short while .... he throws a few mielies (corn cobs) on the fire sometimes too, as a snack for himself. Caught my daughter eating one with him the other evening - no wonder she didn't finish her supper that night !

Right, there the sun goes .... almost gone now. Soon it will be dark. You know, I'm not sure if you've heard this saying before "To touch Africa once, is always to carry a piece of her with you", but I hope that you've enjoyed this little piece of Africa today and as we say here "karibu tena !" ... welcome back, anytime - you're more than welcome & it was my pleasure to show you around ....