Monday, October 13, 2008

Beauty In The Small & Unexpected Things

Do you take for granted the beauty all around you ? I know that I do. When we moved to Tanzania a decade ago - one of the most truly beautiful countries on this vast African continent of ours - I made a promise to myself that I would never take her beauty for granted. But I admit that sometimes I do .... I get so caught up in my day to day life that I forget to lift my head and admire the beauty around me - to drink it all in.

Which is why the other day, when I was picking a basketful of fresh flowers from my garden to arrange inside the house - as I do every week - I caught my breath when I saw it standing there on the lawn - a roughly woven & commonly found "kikapu" (basket) that I use when I do my fruit and vegetable shopping - filled with a gorgeous array of blooms in every colour. I caught my breath at the simple beauty of it all, and ran inside to get my camera .....

Then I took another photo of one of the arrangements which I always have on the mantle piece above the fireplace. I realised how lucky I was to be able to grow my own flowers and pick them by the basketful to fill my home. A basketful of beauty - and joy !

I hope that whatever your basket is filled with that it, too, is brimming with beauty and joy .... and that you always find the beauty in those small and unexpected things ....