Friday, February 13, 2009

Tidying Up .....

A small section of my recipe books on a shelf in my kitchen. I'll have to tidy these up soon, too !

I must admit that I haven’t done much work on my blog (aside from publishing my daily posts as usual) for a few months now. I haven’t even looked to see what new features or gadgets Blogger has brought out, whereas in the early days I was always adding and trying new things.

I think it’s mainly because I’m happy with the way my blog looks for the time being, and there is not much I really want to change or add to it for now. I’m also trying to make it a fast loading blog, so don’t want to slow it down with too many unnecessary things and if I do spend extra time working on it, it’s mainly on the content of my blog posts which I feel is more important as after all, that’s why people ‘read’ me !

Anyway, one thing which has really been bothering me for a while now has been my labels. You know, the “Categories” section in the right sidebar ? I had all my Main Meal recipes lumped under “Main Meal Recipes” for example, and all my desserts & sweet and savoury baked treats lumped under “Baking”. Which - let’s face it - made it very difficult to browse and find the recipe which you were looking for.

So, this weekend I started to tidy my labels up (starting with my recipes) & if you look now, you’ll see that everything has been categorized a little further. For example, Main Meals are now in different sections like “Main Meals – Pork”, “Main Meals – Chicken” and so on. Baking has been split into sections covering desserts (hot and cold) and there are now sections like “Cake and Loaf Recipes”, “Savoury Treat Recipes” etc. I also have sections like “Salad and Soup Recipes”, “Sauce and Preserve Recipes” to give a few examples, and I hope that this will make it easier to find what you’re looking for !

I’d also like to – when I have some more time – break my “Miscellaneous” section down into categories to make that easier for browsing, too – although I don’t want to end up with a hundred labels, either !

You'll notice that I have also recently added "Link Within" to my blog, which shows links to related blog posts (with thumbnail photos for each recommended post) underneath each blog post I write. So lets say, for example, you're reading a post about my garden, it will give you 3 of my previous gardening posts underneath that blog post which you can choose to read if you wish - or if you're reading a recipe for a chicken casserole, it will show you links to 3 of my previous chicken recipe posts. It's quite fun and I hope that it will make your browsing experience more enjoyable, too ! (Thanks to fellow blogger and ex Tanzanian expat Catherine over at "Dispatches From The Deise", as I first saw this great widget on her blog !)

So, I hope that these small changes make it easier for you to browse and enjoy the blog – and that you find some recipes which inspire you to get into the kitchen – if you do, let me know how you like them as I always love hearing back from people who’ve tried and enjoyed recipes which I’ve published. Happy cooking !