Thursday, July 2, 2009

Email Problems, Baby Update & Tanzanian Farm News

This photo of my Dad & my daughter was taken a couple of days ago - they're standing on 'our' beach just near my parent's house in the Eastern Cape

Phew, I can say that having 2 children now instead of 1, increases the workload about .... three times ?! Hat's off to all those Mum's (and Dads too, of course !) out there who have more than 2 kids ! (How do you all cope ?!)

The good news is that the baby is doing well and has gained another .300 gm's this week. He is exactly 1 month old today - time has flown ! I am so glad that it is not this time last month, when he was just about to be (unknown at the time) admitted to Neo Natal ICU & we still had that whole 'nightmare time' ahead of us ...... (as they say 'nothing bad lasts forever')

To those of you who've sent me emails (or replied to replies of mine) I'm sorry I haven't received them yet as they have all gone to my home email address on the farm - they're on my computer there and I will read them all, and reply to them, when I get home. At the moment I'm planning on returning sometime around the 20th of July, but as nothing usually goes according to plan here in Africa (!!) that could change.

In the meantime, my husband tells me that things are fine on the farm and that he is keeping busy with the harvesting (and eating lots of beef mince - which I find rather odd, considering that the only beef mince I left in the freezer was for the cats - but I won't ask any questions !)

The staff are apparently all awaiting our return, Justin is quite anxious that we return soon (!) and the gardeners are really missing our daughter who usually follows them around during the day & 'helps' them with raking, watering etc ! Maxie has grown so much in the past 2 months (yes, we've been gone for 2 months - I can't believe it) & I can't wait to see her (and all the other animals) again soon.

I miss Tanzania, I miss the farm and I miss my life there but I know that it is only temporary and that at the moment I'm in the best place I could possibly be for the time being.

I hope to do some more posts soon on the Eastern Cape, so watch this space !