Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Zebra On The Farm !

It's so, so dry in the West Kilimanjaro area of Tanzania at the moment, which is where our farm is situated. We've had lots of game coming on to the farm - or passing through it - in their search for grazing and water. We passed this small herd of Zebra when we were leaving the farm the other day for a trip to the city (for baby vaccinations & a bit of shopping !) We also passed giraffe and wildebeest, but they were too far away to get a decent photo. The Zebra though, were right near the road. We have had elephant on our farm for several months now, too. (You can read a post I wrote about them in December - with photo's - over here.)

This is what Mt. Kilimanjaro looks like in our dry, Winter season. This photo was taken as we travelled towards the city - along a wide dirt road, about 15 minutes after leaving the farm. Her peak does not have that much snow on it at the moment. Even after so many years of seeing this magnificent mountain, and living in her shadow, I'm still always amazed by the fact that you can stand in the middle of the arid, hot African bush surrounded by wild game and look up and see a snow capped peak ! But as I've said before - that's Africa for you. A continent of contrasts.