Sunday, May 2, 2010

Followers, Visitors, Even More Rain and ..... Addictions !

Well this week my blog hit just over the 200 Blogger 'Followers' mark (for those of you who don't know about 'Following' - this just means that 200 people with Blogger accounts are following my blog daily, and are getting updates on their Blogger 'dashboard' whenever I update my blog. Thanks too, to my 28 'Blogged' followers) I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who 'Follows' me - as well as those who don't, but still log in daily to see what I've got to say ;) and to all my new 'Followers', too - it's great to see the numbers increasing, because there's nothing worse than blogging and thinking that no one is reading you ! Thanks to everyone for reading, commenting & emailing.

This week was a busy week for me, and I'm quite glad that it's over actually ! First off, we had to rush through to the city last weekend as hubby and I were both quite sick. Hubby has a severe form of tick bite fever, and I had bronchitis and sinusitis and had to have a hydrocortisone injection (the most painful one of my life I think - it burns like fire going through your veins !) and we are both now on antibiotics and feeling much better. I hardly ever get sick and when I am, it's really annoying. Of course hubby - as all men do (with apologies to my male readers !) - acted as though he was just about to die, but I assured him that the only thing that would be killing him off anytime soon, was is 20 + a day cigarette habit (behind the farm workshops and out of my view, according to the staff as he has 'given up' in front of me that is - ha ha !)

Then we had 2 school runs, shopping and visitors out from Holland, Israel and Australia to the farm mid-week (the visit was supposed to be last week but some of them were delayed due to the Icelandic volcanic ash saga). I laid on morning and afternoon tea's for them, and lunch aswell. The two photo's above are of morning tea set out on our veranda, as we waited for them to arrive. (Didn't take any photo's of lunch, as at that stage I was running around like a headless chicken !)

The rain continued to bucket down, with 109 mm's since Thursday, so I took the photo above out of my office window (where I blog from daily) / view from my desk to try & show you the rain - you can't see it, but you can see the wet, red mud which we have everywhere (and banana trees in the background).

I've also been busy redecorating the kid's bedrooms and am busy with my son's this weekend - but that's for another post, another day .... At the end of each day I have been relaxing by watching my latest addiction - 'LOST' .... I know that the 6th and final season is airing in the US this month - I'm currently on the 4th season so have lots more ahead of me to enjoy ! (Including my two LOST favourites here and here ;)

I've had a few requests from readers about what they'd like me to blog about, and I was wondering if there was anything you'd like to see on the blog - a part of farm life, Tanzania or whatever that you'd like me to do a post about - let me know in the comments section or by email, and I'll happily oblige if I can !

Well, enough of my rambling .... I will leave you with a sunset photo taken on the road just outside our house earlier this week - in between all the rain - and wish you all a wonderful and relaxing Sunday, wherever in the world you may be .....