Friday, July 30, 2010

A School Trip To The Farm .....

A couple of months ago, we had our daughter's school visit the farm for a day trip. Each term they have a different theme, and this term's theme was 'Professions' and they came out to the farm for the day to learn about farming as a profession. There were 22 children and 6 adults (parents and teachers) who all came out to the farm in a convoy of about 5 vehicles. Our daughter was terribly excited as she got to show all her friends where she lives !

They arrived mid morning, and after snacks and drinks and a bit of time to stretch their legs & run around our garden after the 1 1/2 hour car journey, we loaded them all up onto a trailer attached to one of the tractors (with parents and teachers on the back to make sure that none of them tried any funny tricks !) and off we went to show them the farm.

Hubby drove the tractor, & I sat in front with him in the cab with our baby son in one hand ..... and my camera in the other ! The photo below shows the kids in a field of beans which we stopped to show them. These beans are the 'baked bean' variety ........

We also stopped in a field of wheat to show them that and teach them all about it ..... look at them all clamouring to have a better look at the wheat seed my husband is showing them - just soooo cute !

After our trip around the farm, we had a quick tour of the workshop and equipment before everyone came back to the farmhouse for a light lunch underneath the shady fig tree at the bottom of our garden. I had set tables up for the food & drinks (Cheese & Tomato and Egg Mayonnaise Sandwiches, carrot and cucumber sticks and Apple juice), and big picnic blankets for the kids to sit on.

After lunch I served pink iced cupcakes which I'd made - the kids really enjoyed these ! (Believe it or not, I was so busy I forgot to take even a single photo of any of the food I made/served - so you'll just have to take my word for it !)

So, a fun day was had by all ! (If you'd like to read about a school camping trip which was held on the farm earlier this year, you can click here.)