Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tanzanian Roads Travelled This past Week .......

As regular readers know, I've been quite busy lately with lots of new projects on the horizon - building a house on the land we've just bought, refurbishing our guest cottage, school runs .... not to mention catching up with old friends (from sedate morning tea's to boozy barbecues !) and .... shopping trips to the city.

So, I decided to post a few photo's of the roads I've travelled this past week - just to give you another idea of what a diversely beautiful country Tanzania is. The road above is the 'driveway' to my daughter's school - which is nestled on the edge of a very old coffee plantation. Beautiful, isn't it ?

The other road scenes were taken on the way to our plot, on the way to the city, on the way to a friend's house - all over, really ..... I particularly like the shady, tree lined road above - and always feel really peaceful when driving along it ....

So much of Tanzania is still relatively untouched - no power lines or telephone lines to marr the horizon (although we do have several really ugly mobile 'phone towers dotted here and there).

Punctures are a common occurance here, but as long as you are prepared you're usually okay. Within minutes of stopping you can expect around 1 million kids and people from the nearest village to surround your car offering to help (as you provide them with their daily entertainment !)

My children are so used to driving on bumpy roads and sleep better when we're driving on them, than they do when we're on the tar !

If you'd like to see some more incredible African roads and scenery from different parts of this magnificent continent, then pop on over to two of my favourite African blogging friends .... 'One Stoned Crow' over in Namibia has posted breathtaking photo's of Namibia's stunning Orange River road in a recent post over here and Jo at 'Memorable Meanders' who is currently posting from her home in the Sudan (did you know that the Sudan has more pyramids than Egypt ? I didn't ! Browse Jo's blog & visit some of them with her !) did a (heart wrenching) post on 'Children of The City' early this week - click here to read that and see the streets of Khartoum.