Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Busy Week ... Roll On The Weekend !

It's been a busy week - I haven't even had time to relax on our veranda (above) and enjoy the view !

We have a small herd of elephant causing havoc on the farm (eating the sorghum crop) at the moment - you can just make a few of them out in the photo below. They have a young elephant AND a baby with them - the baby must have just been born, he is soooo tiny still !
I don't think they're causing havoc, I think it's great to have them around & so what if they eat hubby's sorghum, anyway ?! I stopped on the road (our extended entrance 'driveway') to take a close-up of their droppings (seeing as I couldn't get a close-up of the actual elephants themselves !) ... hubby remarked "That photo's not going to go down on your blog too well, is it ? I mean, who wants to really look at THAT ?!" to which I replied "Well actually, I think that some of my readers will find it quite interesting !" ha ha ... hope I'm right !

Then we had the usual twice weekly school runs, shopping in the city, going to the bank, the post office, paying accounts - you know the drill !

And .... some rain on the farm. A few overcast, (as pictured below) slightly chilly days with drizzle here and there. Which I love ! (Along with one of our farm views below).

Then - back on the farm with fresh supplies - I got cracking with my monthly big batch cooking - here's some of it, cooling down before I popped it into the freezer .....

So it's now the end of the week, and all I want to do is to have a nice, relaxing weekend - and a few cat naps as you see Tessa doing in the photo below. Never mind that she's fallen asleep on a pile of paperwork I still have to do *sigh* ............

It'll just have to wait until Monday .......

(Have a great weekend, everyone !)