Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sunday Barbecue, A Drive on the Farm ... & Kilimanjaro Views

Would you like to see how we spent this past Sunday ? Come on then, I'll show you what we got up to .... firstly, we decided to have a barbecue for lunch, as my husband was at home for the day. It was a bit cold and overcast but nevertheless ... we fired up the 'barbie' and cooked some lightly seasoned steak and chicken pieces (Thai Chilli marinade for us & a Tomato/Worcester marinade for our daughter) and garlic rolls on the hot coals. I also made a potato salad and some coleslaw to go with it .... mmmmmm .....

After lunch we went for a short drive on the farm. Now a lot of you lovely people who read my blog regularly have been emailing me lately & asking me to please post some more farm/life/Tanzania photos ... & I'm happy to oblige - so I took this photo above for you to see part of the farm that does not have any crops on it - it's mostly just wild African bush. Such a pity it wasn't a clear day as the view here - right in front of you - is of Mt Meru (Mt Kilimanjaro is now behind you) and the plains beyond .... you can see lots of acacia (thorn trees) in the distance .... one of my favourite spots on the farm & every time we go there, my husband & I look at each other & say "Ooohhh ... maybe we should erect a few luxury tents on wooden platforms & start a small safari camp out here - it's just a PERFECT spot for it !" Ha ha ... I'll admit it's still in my blood (hotels/guests/tourism) & I'll "never say never" but right now ... well no, not right now. Not a safari camp, at least .....

Oh yes, thought I should also just point out those 2 dirt tracks on the bottom left of the photo - can you see them ? Oh, good ! That's what most of the roads on the farm look like ... not the 'main' ones but rather the ones which run between the crop fields and less cultivated areas. A little confusing at first, but you soon learn your way around ! (With trusty handheld GPS close at hand of course !!)

Then of course, not soon before the sun was due to go down and as we were making our way back up towards the farm house, Kili showed herself to us. I was standing on the edge of a field of yellow flowering safflower when I took this (which reminded me oh gosh, I haven't posted about the safflower crops on my blog yet, so will do so soon ....). I'll be honest with you, she's not the most attractive mountain, even though she is Africa's highest peak. She stands alone, quite oddly - as if she's just been dropped there by someone. Or left behind ?

Well the light was now fading fast, so I couldn't take any more photo's. We went back to the house instead and got the fire going in the lounge, ready to settle in for the night. Supper was leftover's from the barbecue and we had a nice, early night in preparation for the coming week.

I hope that wherever you were, you too had a wonderful and relaxing Sunday in your part of the world, & that you enjoyed sharing part of mine with me .... !