Monday, January 26, 2009

Three More Awards !

Thank you to Linda from "Remote Treechanger" for this "The Lovely Award" !

Thank you to AKMOM at "What's Baking ?" for this "One Lovely Blog" award !

Thank you to both Linda at "Remote Treechanger" & Lori at "The Skoog Farm Journal" for this "Lemonade" award !

Well I’m really thrilled to say that my blog has been given another 3 awards recently ! I am very grateful for these awards and for my wonderful fellow bloggers who’ve given them to me, but must just apologise for having taken so long to post about them and to pass them on (due to going away, internet problems etc).

Anyway, here they finally are, aswell as the links to the wonderful bloggers who awarded them to me, and also the blogs which I’m passing them on to (some awards ask that you pass them on to up to 8 bloggers each, but due to lack of time etc I am passing each on to another 2 bloggers, & hope that this is okay) -:

Firstly, I received the “One Lovely Blog Award” from AKMOM who’s Alaskan blog What’s Baking ?” is a delicious blog which will satisfy your sweet tooth in no time ! Thanks so much for this award, AKMOM ! The award is to be passed on to another 7 bloggers. These are the 2 bloggers I’ve chosen to pass this “One Lovely Blog” award on to -:

Catherine, who’s blog “Dispatches From The Deise” is set in the Irish, rural county of Waterford. Catherine has spent 20 years living in & working in developing countries (including Tanzania !) & has some interesting stories to tell !

“Hill Upon Hill” – an Australian blog with such lovely posts and photographs. I always feel very peaceful after my visits here !

Linda, who lives in & blogs from the Australian bush with her husband & 5 children has a delightful blog which has a little bit of everything “Remote Treechanger” & she has kindly given me not 1 but 2 awards, the first being “The Lovely Award” - a little about this award follows …

“This blog invests and believes the proximity - nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are extremely charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly written text into the body of their award."

I have chosen to pass “The Lovely Award” on to the following 2 bloggers –:

Also in Ireland, Peggy at “Organic Growing Pains” - I am amazed at what she achieves on her allotment & the wonderful organic produce which she grows there – her blog is always so cheerful and informative, too !

Moving on to a warmer part of the world for now (!!) to Mize in Portugal & her blog “My Country Home” – I am amazed at her budgeting and discipline as she works towards her goal of building a home in the country for her family.

Then Linda also awarded me the “Lemonade Award”, here is a little about the award …..

“There are some rules in getting this award. First you have to give thanks and link back to the person who bestowed the award upon you in the first place. Second you have to nominate 10 bloggers that you'd like to give the award to. It's that easy.The Lemonade Award is given to sites which show either great attitude and or gratitude.”

Thank you Linda, for both of these awards, I am honored ;)

Lori in America at “The Skoog Farm Journal” also awarded me the “Lemonade Award”, so I am honoured to have received it twice but THANK YOU LORI & thank you, too, for blogging every day & sharing such wonderful photos of your daily life & all your animals with us – you are one hardworking & very busy lady !

I am going to pass the “Lemonade Award” on to the following 2 bloggers -:

Jo in South Africa for her blog “Memorable Meanders” … she posts on everything from gardening to cooking (some great recipes !) to pets to spirituality to the local people and life in South Africa, always something interesting to read !

Dedene in France for her blog “Soyez la Bienvenue Chez Moi ” … Dedene is an excellent cook and a fascinating woman with a great sense of humor and is never afraid to speak her mind ! (BTW her blog is in English, just incase from the title you thought it was all in French)

So thank you – all of you – for giving my blog these awards. I really appreciate them all and to you all too, for your openness and for sharing so much of your lives and your thoughts on your blogs every day for so many people to read and enjoy !