Sunday, February 22, 2009

Herbs In My Garden .....

I'm busy replanting herbs in my garden at the moment. Fresh herbs are very difficult to buy here, so I have always grown my own. All start off in pots, then I transplant them into my garden amongst the flowers and shrubs - I don't have a set herb garden area as such, as I prefer to have them growing in and amongst other things. Above is a photo of my parsely, which as you can see is looking a little tired ! I use parsely in salads, salad dressings and fish dishes.

Here, above, is a thyme bush which has been growing for around 2 years now. It's getting a bit scraggly and woody so I am replanting thyme seeds now. I love adding fresh thyme to carrots, stews and roast vegetables.

I recently planted this purple basil (above) into a pot, and it's doing quite well. I love adding basil to salads and italian dishes - it's great when added to pasta sauces, too !

My unruly rosemary bush is pictured above - this is the only herb which was already growing in the garden when we moved to the farm just over 4 years ago. (You can read an old post I wrote last year about it over here). I love stuffing a roast chicken with fresh sprigs of rosemary & halved lemons before cooking, and also add rosemary to roast vegetables quite a lot. (We don't eat lamb - neither my husband nor I like the taste of it - but I know that rosemary goes beautifully with it).

A black and yellow beetle perched on a sprig of flowering rosemary. I often add flowering rosemary to my indoor flower arrangements.

Nothing beats fresh herbs when it comes to cooking and when given the choice, I'll choose fresh over dried anyday !