It's been so hot here on the farm lately - with hot winds blowing & the sun beating down fiercely all day (we are so close to the equator here that the sun even feels different - and hotter - to how it feels in, say, South Africa - if that makes any sense !) The late afternoon/early evening hours come as a great relief .... when hubby gets home from work, we walk around the cool garden with the kids (with baby son up on hubby's shoulders !) and the dogs.
I try to remember to always take time to stop and smell the flowers. Here are some close-up's above & below of some of the more brightly coloured varieties in my garden at the moment .....

Below is a photo of our farmhouse as the sun starts to sink in the sky .... the white flowers in the foreground of this photograph are Cosmos flowers, planted from seed I brought back from South Africa a couple of years ago ....

This feather fell at my feet yesterday as we were walking around - it has a lovely green & yellow sheen to it although I'm not sure what type of bird it came from. I've always believed that finding feathers at your feet bring good luck.

I loved the way the light was falling across the banana trees in the photo below .....

Dibble & Maxie had fun diving into lush, cool shrubs and looking for rats & things !

This photo below shows the moon .... taken at around 6.30 pm .....

Another view below, of our garden in evening light as the shadows begin to lengthen. My daughter loves climing the Frangipani trees in the foreground of this photo ! (Hubby and I got married on the island of Mauritius, and I chose to have our wedding cake decorated entirely with fresh frangipani flowers, and I always think of that when I see these trees !)

The sun is just starting to set in this photo below - you can see it behind the old fig tree at the bottom of the garden .... and Maxie & Josie, playing on the cool green lawn ....

It's another hot day again today, too ...... the kind of weather where even drinking tea feels uncomfortable .... so I'm off to open myself a cool bottle of water ..... hope that you're keeping
cool wherever you are in the world as you read this today ;)