Sunday, September 21, 2008

Bits & Pieces ......

A lazy weekend on the farm is being had by humans & animals alike !

Thanks, Mize, for this great award for my blog !

I hope that you’re having a wonderful weekend wherever you may be in the world. I’m having a lovely, warm weekend here in Africa and am relaxing today with my family at home as my husband is off for the day – yay !

There are a few things I wanted to mention, hence the “Bits & Pieces” blog title. Firstly, I apologize if my posts have been a little ‘flat’ lately, but I have been laid up all week with a nasty cold & chest infection. It was only yesterday that I started to feel my old self again.

My exciting news is that my mother-in-law is on her way to us from the UK and will be here in Tanzania with us in a little over a week’s time. She’ll be with us for 3 weeks and has only been here once (briefly – a few days) before. So we’re really looking forward to showing her the beautiful country which we live in, & introducing her to our friends here. We have lots planned during her stay, and of course I’ll be blogging about all the interesting places we visit & what we get up to ..... so watch this space !

I must also confess that I am completely, utterly, hopelessly addicted to …. Ebay ! I have been for a number of years now, I think that it is the best thing invented since the internet LOL but the only problem is that not many sellers ship to Africa so whenever we are on our way to the UK, or have family coming this way – I shop up an Ebay storm ! So, I have been busy on Ebay for the past 2 weeks & as any fellow addicts will relate to, sitting up until the early hours (due to our time difference here) waiting for auctions to end & running through to wake my husband & excitedly shout “I’m highest bidder !” or “I won !” My Ebay purchases include cook books and things, so the blog will (hopefully !) soon be bursting with some new recipes and ideas.

Another long overdue thank you is due to my friend Mize in Portugal, who awarded my blog the “I Love Your Blog” award a few weeks ago. Thanks, Mize ! I love her blog, “My Country Home” too and Mize has a new blog which focuses on Portuguese food called “Portuguese Menu” which you should go & check out if you haven't done so already !

I also just have to share with you that a while ago I was contacted via email by someone from the UK who was on his way to Tanzania to do volunteer work here for a month in one of our coastal areas. He found my blog through this post which I wrote a while ago on deep sea fishing in Tanzania. He is in Tanzania at the moment, & we have since made contact on the ‘phone & it has been wonderful to talk to the first ever person (save friends & family) who reads my blog ! He is doing some wonderful work here - how thoughtful it is of people to give their time so freely to help those less fortunate than themselves.

What else ? Ah, yes. I am busy working on a completely new look for my blog, plus a few minor changes to it. I thought it was time for a bit of a facelift & for me to put more of a personal stamp on it. So I hope to be ‘unveiling’ that soon, & am dying to hear what you all think of it !

Okay, enough of my babbling - let me get off the computer & go and enjoy the rest of my Sunday with my family ...... hope that you all have a super Sunday, too ;)