Friday, September 19, 2008

My Spring Garden

Winter is behind us & Spring is here .... my garden is a little greener than it was. Our farmhouse sits prettily, nestled in the shade of the Gum and Jacaranda trees, wrapped in a coat of bouganvillia that slowy bears her fuschia blooms .....
A lone lavender lupin stands guard ... one of only a few seeds to have germinated. I've learnt now, that they don't grow well in Kilimanjaro's soil - but this one, somehow, has ... and towers like a lonely soldier standing guard ....
Like a brightly coloured feather duster, or an exotic hand held fan ... this bouganvillia sits proudly on the front lawn, showing off her new (& rather brightly coloured) Spring hairstyle of velvety soft flowers ....

"I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden." ~Ruth Stout