Thursday, November 12, 2009

Christmas Shopping, Meeting An Online Friend & More .....

Some photo's of the scenery along the beach near my parent's home .....

A few things to blog about today …. just bringing you all up-to-speed …. ‘cause when I blog it’s like sitting around my kitchen table chatting with friends …. so thought I’d let you all know what’s been happening recently …. now if you were really at my kitchen table, I’d offer you a drink first. A nice cuppa tea, perhaps ? Sit, & make yourself comfy ….

My husband is back on the farm ! After being away for almost 6 weeks, he has a lot to catch up on, but he hopes to fly to South Africa to join us next week sometime (I say ‘hopes to’, as nothing is a sure thing in Africa until it actually happens !) He’ll then spend a week here with us – having a bit of a holiday/break - before we all fly home to Tanzania together.

So, in the meantime I have this week to madly try and finish off things like my Christmas shopping and other bits and pieces, so that when he’s here we can just have a full week of uninterrupted fun & family time together before we head home and before he heads back to working 24/7 again (being the workaholic that he is – I know, I complain about this often on the blog ! You’d think he’s be winding down for Christmas at least, ‘eh ?!)

Everything is apparently fine on the farm, despite the fact that we are in desperate need of some rain and also aside from the fact that Emily has not been seen for a couple of weeks – but I’m hoping that she’s reverted to her timid (cautious) ways and is only coming inside for food in the dead of night when everyone is asleep.

Those of you who read me regularly will know that earlier this year when I was also in South Africa & still pregnant with my son, I met a fellow African blogger and longtime online friend, Jo. (You can read about that wonderful day over here). I was so happy to be able to meet up with Jo again during this trip – along with her husband (as I’d never met him before). Jo and her hubby spent the night in the town of Gonubie at a delightful bed & breakfast overlooking the ocean, and invited us around to join them for morning tea on Saturday. Can you believe it, I forgot to take photo’s ? (We were too busy talking !) But Jo has a few and am sure she will be posting about her trip on her blog soon. You can read Jo’s lovely blog ‘Memorable Meanders’ over here.

A few week’s ago ‘Woman’s Day’ contacted me about using one of my photo’s and a short description from one of my previous blog posts as they were publishing a feature on ‘Breakfast’s Around The World’. (Funnily enough, this was a post I wrote when I was visiting South Africa last year !) You can see the Woman’s Day article over here, and you can read my original blog post
over here if you like. Welcome to the new readers who’ve found me through ‘Woman’s Day !’

Oh yes, and after writing
this post recently about the ‘Yekelela’ venue which was wonderful but sadly let down by it’s rather poor quality of food, I was, infact, contacted by the Yekelela chef (thanks for that, Juan) who explained the situation – which just goes to show, you never know who’s reading you !

Right, now - what with all the Christmas shopping I was telling you about, comes all the wrapping of gifts and writing out of gift cards, so I won’t keep you any longer as I need to get cracking with that !