Friday, June 18, 2010

My Recent Holiday .....

Our daughter (in yellow shirt) having fun in the rock pools on the beach where my parent's live in South Africa - with a group of friends she always hangs out with when we're there !

Back on the farm - approaching the gate leading to our house - can you see who's waiting for us ?

Why - it's Dibble, Lulu and Maxie of course - ecstatic to have us home again !

Part of our house, viewed from the side - it's great to be back home again !

It’s great to be back home again. So, where were we ?! Well, we decided to fly to South Africa for a short break. As you know my parents have retired on the Eastern Cape coastline (click here to read a previous blog post and see photos of that), so we went to spend the time with them.

Of course, travel in Africa is rarely a straight forward thing, so first we had to fly from Tanzania to Nairobi, Kenya – where we spent the night in Nairobi at a nearby airport hotel (the same one my daughter & I went to when we were ‘stranded’ in Nairobi last year – I was 8 months pregnant at the time ! – you can read about that adventure over here). We had an early morning flight out of Nairobi to Johannesburg, South Africa and then from there we flew from Johannesburg to East London – the closest airport to where my parents live. Phew ! Then we did the whole trip in reverse order to get back home again …. only this time, we spent a night in Johannesburg before flying home.

Our son celebrated his first birthday whilst we were in South Africa – my Mum and I baked him a giraffe cake (photos and recipe to follow sometime !) and we had a small birthday tea party for him with close family. I can’t believe that this time last year he was struggling to thrive and had just come out of Neo Natal ICU, yet today he is a chubby, healthy, bouncing little boy, full of the joys of life – just shows what a year can do ! (And for those of you who followed my struggles at the time – after being advised NOT to breastfeed him & to put him on to formula so that he could gain weight quickly, I ignored this - well meaning - advice and breastfed him until just over 1 year – and am so glad I followed my instincts as a Mum, and not those of the paediatrician !)

We had some wonderful meals out whilst in South Africa, caught up with family, enjoyed walks on the beach (a little too chilly for swimming though !), did routine things like have haircuts and update vaccinations and go to the Doctor – and also did LOTS of shopping ! I spent a morning shopping alone with my Mum … and then we left the kids with my parents one day & my husband and I spent the whole day out together and had a nice quiet lunch together – the first time I’d ever left our son for so long, but he was in good hands and hubby and I had some alone time together, which was great (and we still missed the kids – especially when we sat down to eat and saw other families sitting together !)

So that, in a nutshell, was my brief holiday. Came back to a hectic schedule for the few weeks ahead – have already been to a Christening in the city this past weekend, have various friends coming out to the farm this weekend, a company lunch we are hosting here today, an overseas visitor (work related) arriving on Sunday from Holland …. then next week, a 50th birthday party, school Sport’s Day … then an engagement party, and more company lunches/teas at the farm in between. Phew ! So much for living a quiet life on the farm !

School breaks up in July for 2 months, during which time we are hoping to take another few days break as a family …. to an exciting destination I’ve not yet blogged about, so watch this space ! Then in December we are going away for the entire month and will be away over Christmas and New Year …. but don’t worry, I’ll take you all with me and keep you updated via blog posts during that time !

So, that is where my life is at right now. Back to regular posting for me now, and I have some posts coming up soon which I know you’ll enjoy – showing some more of my life here in Tanzania and what I’ve been up to here lately …… but until then …. I'd better go and make a start on lunch .....