Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rain, Cuddly Cats .... & Warm Spiced Gingerbread

It's been raining again .... every day, in fact - I love the rain ... and the damp, misty coolness which it brings .... the view above was taken from our bedroom window this morning ....

Below, you'll see the rain from our front veranda ..... the last time it rained this much was almost 2 years ago - you can read about it over here (& see a similar photo to the one below - note how both the grass and the bougainvillea have grown !)

The stepping stones leading to/from our front door do not look too inviting today ... unless you're 5 years old of course, and Mummy lets you put on your raincoat and gumboots and take your butterfly umbrella out to play ........... (click on 'gumboots' to read a funny & heartwarming African farm story !)

My darling Ollie (my extra 'special' rescue cat - although he doesn't feature on the blog that much ... he's rather shy, you see) finds a cozy corner to cuddle in ......

As does 'That Tessa Cat' .... cuddling with my son on his 'baby gym' below .... you can see all the other baby places Tessa loves to snuggle in over here. (I swear, she thinks she's a human baby with whiskers & fur !)

And .... what better way to warm up on a cool rainy day than with a nice, warm slice of freshly baked spiced Gingerbread (you can see when I last baked it - and who I baked it for - and find the recipe in my post over here) .... it filled the house with the smell of Christmas as it baked .... mmmmmm ......

I'm off to put the kettle on now, am making myself a nice cuppa tea to enjoy with the Gingerbread ..... 2 weeks to go until Christmas ..... I can't wait ;)